The Neeb Family Foundation

The Neeb Family Foundation provides grants to religious educational institutions and faith-based nonprofit organizations.

Our Mission

The Neeb Family Foundation is on a mission to apply in real life the biblical story of the Good Samaritan — to help others, not for public accolades, but to show God’s love in tangible ways to real people.

While the founder and all those who serve on the NFF Board of Directors are Lutheran, NFF supports all religious educational institutions as well as faith-based and secular nonprofit organizations that provide care to those who need it, including food, clothing, medical aid, shelter, counseling, and education.

If you serve at a religious elementary or high school, religious college, theological seminary or charitable nonprofit NFF wants to help meet your financial goals so that you can continue to care for and serve those who need what you provide.

“We are determined to use our resources to actively live out in our times the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan.  Of all the people who passed by on the road that day, it was only the Good Samaritan who didn’t need to figure out if the injured person was Jewish, Roman, Greek, Black, white, Hispanic, or, for that matter, a martian. All the Samaritan saw was a fellow man, a neighbor, that was hurt and needed mercy and care. That is all he needed to see. Nothing more. He never asked ‘What will this cost me?’ or ‘How will others look at me if I help this person?’   He could have passed by on the opposite side of the road like the others did before him. But he stopped, and he helped a complete stranger in dire need. And he did it for no reason other than it was the right thing to do.”

Who We Serve

The Neeb Family Foundation serves religious educational institutions and faith-based nonprofit organizations by providing monetary grants to meet financial needs.

Religious Primary & Secondary Education

NFF supports faith-based institutions — by providing funds for students, educators, staff, and facility improvements — because an education grounded in religious faith is a solid and critical building block for success in life.

Faith-Based Collegiate Education

NFF believes the potential for success in life vastly increases with a college education. That’s why NFF provides tuition support for students and financial support for colleges, universities and seminaries.

Charitable Organizations
& Nonprofits

NFF supports organizations that provide food, shelter, counseling, and medical attention to those in need, whether in everyday life or amidst disasters.

Apply For A Grant

Whether you represent a religious educational institution or a faith-based or secular nonprofit organization, NFF would love to help meet your financial or facility needs. To start, complete our online grant application.

Why We Help

As the Bible taught us in the story of the woman and her offering of a single mite, NFF believes it’s all of our moral and spiritual responsibility to share our wealth and invest in the well-being of others.  1st Timothy says that those that have wealth “are to do good to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share…”

NFF is honored to continue to carry forward the memory of our founder Rev. Dr. Larry Neeb, his father Martin J. Neeb, Sr, and his brother Martin J. Neeb all of whom had long and distinguished careers at the highest levels of Christian outreach and Christian education. NFF is managed by the third generation of the Neeb family and several of their life-long friends and colleagues and it is intended to continue living through the Neeb family for generations to come.

Grant questions? Contact The Neeb Family Foundation.